It is now or never!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Fuh dah lama tak menulis disini..dah bersawang dah blog ni! 
Takpe nekad baru yaya.. InsyaAllah yaya akan kerap berceloteh di blog ini.

Hari ini yaya dah buat one of my hardest and to me biggest decision in my life. Rasanya decide nak kawen with my hubby pun not as hard as to decide what i did today!

Tiny voices in me is saying no! But voice in my heart is screaming yes!! In a class i recently attend, i was thought to listen to my heart.. And try to shuh those small voices. I was thought that those small voices usually is the one that keeps people down.. Trying to 'protect' a person from dreamin big.. Acting big and be BIG! Those small voices suka kalau kita maintain as small like them!

Today i am proud to say that i berjaya shush those little voices mumbling in my head! But man.. It is not easy... The 'biawak' and 'small voices' combined together makes a really strong team you know!!

Knowing that i will not survive the battle alone... Yaya terpaksa cari kawan-kawan yang boleh knock some sense to my head! Make me open my eyes and focus!   
Now i know the people i need to surround myself with... I need to change my logistics to move forward... I need friends not 'biawak' to be by my side!

Having to make thia big decision, my sayang keeps encouraging, supportive and understanding as he can be. I am so lucky to have him! I know there is a saying 'behind every successfull men, there is a strong and wise women'. Today i will also like to say 'behind a successfull women, there is a loving and supportive man'!

Wish me luck ya u ols!

Founder of heejabhub

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